If your brand image needs to be consistent, why doesn’t your website?
All business owners would (or should be) be aware of brand consistency – the practice by which the logos, colours and style of a company are shown in the same manner anywhere the business is seen.

McDonalds restaurants are the kings of this consistency – wherever a McDonalds in located throughout the world, there is absolutely no doubting which brand is in operation. This is done through a stringent company manifesto that steadfastly lays out the strict guidelines that must be adhered to. Even companies such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram – who allow others to use their logos in various applications – have these guidelines to protect their public image.
The process of consistent branding is so important to building a recognisable business.
A sense of consistency is important in many facets of business – processes, system, employment, discipline and even the layout of offices. So why do many businesses neglect consistency within their websites?
Browsing the web in the past week for inspiration, I came across sites that clearly had been updated with absolutely no thought to maintaining a consistent look throughout the pages. One business was so glaringly bad at this, its website inspired me to write this post.
It wasn’t the design of the site that was bad – it actually was quite attractive. The site was ruined by the fact that it had been handed over to the client and they had no idea about how to keep “the look” of the design flowing throughout the pages. On the front page itself, it was very clear to see where the professional designer had finished, and the website owner/administrator had taken over. It made the company look unprofessional.
The sad part is that this problem is so easy to avoid. Here’s five tips to keep your site consistent with your original “vision”:
Tip #1: Fonts
Use the same fonts throughout your site. Resist the urge to try out every new font that you discover on your website’s Content Management System. Novels and magazines don’t generally change fonts halfway through and neither should your website. This applies to both main text segments and the titling through the site.
Tip #2: Alignment
Centre Alignment has its place however it isn’t in a large portion of text. By centring text on a web page, you are forcing your viewers to re-adjust their eyes for every new line beginning. Think of other texts that you may read during your day, such as newspapers, and you will realise why left alignment is used on all of them.
Tip #3: Colour and Font Weight
As in tip #1, don’t experiment with colours and font weights throughout your pages. Sure, colour can grab attention when required however try not to make your website look like a technicolour rainbow. Font weighting should be consistent too – use BOLD text in the same place each time, for example, on the subtitles within your content.
Tip #4: Image Presentation
If you insist on using borders and shadows around your images, make sure they are used consistently. Don’t apply styles to some and neglect it on others.
Tip #5: Use a Format tool
Luckily, for those of us who use WordPress as a CMS framework for our pages, we have some great plugins that will make the above tips easy to implement.
The plugin Kadence Blocks includes many formatting options. The side panel and options bars included with this plugin can be quickly coded by your web developer to include all the styles that you need for your site. All you have to do is highlight or select the text/image for the style to be applied to and then select the style. You don’t need to search for font types, colours, weights or anything.
A word of warning to potential customers of Tropical Coast Web Design – it’s my role as your web developer to ensure that your website looks good and works well so I will ring you up and let you know if your styles are out of whack – nicely of course. I will also offer our full support to help you present your information in a consistent style. After all, it’s my job to help you look your best – a cohesive and constant appearance is vitally important to the overall success of your website.